ViSi Tip: When to Replace Thumb SensorsThumb Sensors
A critical component of the ViSi Mobile system is our disposable thumb sensor. In order for the system to function properly, we have some best practices that will ensure the best possible outcomes for patients and ease of use for clinicians.
Best Practices
1. The disposable thumb sensor is reusable for up to thirty days.
2. For the best performance and most accurate cNIBP and SpO2, the best practice encourages replacing all thumb sensors once a month.
3. The monthly exchange of thumb sensors reduces troubleshooting and reduces clinician’s time at the bedside. It is highly advisable to pick a consistent day of the month to swap all thumb sensors each month during one of the device swap timeframes.
Thumb Sensor Alerts
- Alerts will display if ViSi Mobile® detects the thumb sensor requires replacement: “SWAP THUMB SENSOR”
- Alert will display if the SpO2 value is in a continuous xx state for a configurable number of 1 - 30 minutes: “CHECK THUMB SENSOR”
Note: This alert can be turned on or off individually per patient
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