ViSi Mobile Smart Tip - Performing an EKG
Electrocardiography (ECG or EKG) is a procedure that records the electrical activity of the heart during myocardial contraction and relaxation using electrodes placed on the skin. Heart rate, heart rate variability, waveform shape analysis, arrhythmia, and other comparable functions are all investigated using ECG/EKG data.
However, recording clean signals can be difficult, especially when doing a 12-lead ECG. There are several factors to consider: the data recording equipment must be set up correctly, the patient must be comfortable, and the surface electrodes must be placed exactly on the subject's torso and limbs in order to obtain reliable findings.
The ViSi Mobile Monitoring System is intended for use by clinicians and medically qualified personnel for single or multi-parameter vital signs monitoring of adult patients (18 years or older). It is indicated for ECG (3 or 5 lead-wire) but it does not provide automated arrhythmia analysis. As a result, certain arrhythmias may cause the Monitor to display variable heart rates. If frequent arrhythmias are suspected, their presence should be confirmed by visual observation of the ECG waveform or another method, such as a 12-lead ECG.
Before anything else, take note:
- Use all of the same type of high-quality ECG electrodes on the patient. Mixing ECG electrode types can adversely affect ECG monitoring
- To ensure patient safety, use only components and accessories recommended or supplied by Sotera Wireless, Inc. Accessories must always be used in accordance with your facility’s policies and the manufacturer’s recommendations
- To ensure patient safety, the conductive parts of the ECG electrodes, including connectors and other patient-applied components, should not contact other conductive parts, or earth ground, at any time
Here are simple steps for the correct placement of electrodes for a 12-lead ECG/EKG:
- Prepare the skin: Make sure that the skin is thoroughly cleansed with alcohol swabs to remove the oil that can cause drift in the EKG signals. Dry properly. Refer to Sotera: ViSi Mobile Smart Tip - Skin Preparation for more details.
- Find and mark the placements for the electrodes:
- Identify V1 and V2: It is especially important to correctly place V1 and V2 because the remaining chest leads are placed in relation to these.
- Find and mark V3-V6
- Apply electrodes to the chest at V1 – V6: Place the V lead in the position appropriate to your monitoring requirements: V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, or V6; The ECG waveform can be displayed one lead at a time on the ViSi Mobile Monitor
- Apply limb leads: [RA, LA, RL, L] We suggest the front of the left shoulder in a place where there is little muscle or muscle movement, to avoid any EMG signal disturbance.
- Connect lead wires to the device: Monitoring of ECG, HR, RESP (optional), and TEMP start automatically. Alarm limits are set automatically according to predefined settings. If the indicated HR is erratic or doesn’t match the palpated pulse rate, check to make sure that the ECG electrodes and lead wires are secure.
- Setup the 12 lead EKG, stopping just before selecting print
- Disconnect the chest sensor (green cord tip) from the monitor: To prevent interference when performing a 12 lead EKG, it is recommended that the chest sensor be disconnected from the wrist monitor.
- Connect chest sensor back into monitor within ten minutes of disconnecting (after ten minutes a recalibration will be required): Do not touch the blue triangle in the right lower hand corner, acknowledging the chest sensor alert will cause your cNIBP to drop and require a recalibration to be performed.
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