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May is National Nurses Month

This year’s theme, “You Make A Difference,” honors their unique mission and celebrates their personal and professional accomplishments. Healthcare professionals and community leaders are encouraged to recognize and promote the vast contributions and positive impact of America’s nurses. Nurses make a difference by influencing and shaping health policy decisions that ensure all Americans have access to high-quality, affordable health care coverage.

National Mesothelioma Awareness Day - September 27

Mesothelioma is an aggressive form of cancer that destroys the protective tissues around its victims’ lungs, abdomen, and heart. The disease is directly linked to the inhalation of asbestos fibers, and is most commonly diagnosed in construction and industry workers who have worked with asbestos products.

World Lung Day - September 25

World Lung Day (WLD), September 25th, is a day for lung health advocacy and action, an opportunity for us all to unite and promote better lung health globally.

Falls Prevention Awareness Day - September 22

Falls Prevention Awareness Day is on September 22 at the start of the fall season and it’s a very serious matter that we all need to be paying attention to. It’s the leading cause of injury-related emergency department visits and the day is used to address this public health issue. Falls can be more dangerous than they might seem. They can cause bruising, hip fractures, and head injuries, and these accidents have the potential to be fatal, especially for the elderly which means that they deserve extra attention to make sure they’re protected.

World Breastfeeding Week

World Breastfeeding Week is celebrated every year from August 1st to the 7th to encourage breastfeeding and improve the health of babies around the world. It commemorates the Innocenti Declaration signed in August 1990 by government policymakers, WHO, UNICEF, and other organizations to protect, promote and support breastfeeding. Since 2016, WBW is aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

World Lung Cancer Day

Today is World Lung Cancer Day, providing an opportunity to raise awareness about the risk factors and patients’ outcomes of this deadly and debilitating disease and review the prevention measures and treatment options that help reduce the global burden. And since severe respiratory symptoms mark Covid-19, lung cancer is an aggravating factor for the virus.

National Nursing Assistants’ Week

The 44th annual National Nursing Assistants’ Week provides a timely opportunity to foster and showcase the beautiful things that can happen for residents and workers when we join together in planning this special Week, “Nursing Assistants: Creating a Community of Caring.”

National Nurses Month 2021

You Make a Difference is the theme of this year's Nurse's Month. You can download a free American Nurses Association Nurse's Month 2021 Toolkit with all sorts of resources to celebrate and participate this month. Here's a brief summary with some great links.