July is Sarcoma Awareness Month
Sarcoma Awareness Month is observed annually every July. If you are wondering what sarcoma is, it is a type of cancer that occurs in various locations of the body. Sarcoma is a general term used to refer to a broad group of cancers that begin in the soft tissues and bones. Soft tissue sarcoma forms in the tissues that connect, support, and surround other body structures, including muscle, fat, blood vessels, nerves, tendons, and the lining of your joints. There is not only one type of sarcoma but actually more than 70 types. Sarcoma treatment varies depending on the type of sarcoma, location, and other factors.
This month is dedicated to raising awareness about this disease by encouraging people to get screened for any signs or symptoms associated with sarcomas. The American Cancer Society recommends annual screenings for people aged 50 years or older who have been exposed to known risk factors for developing soft tissue sarcomas; these include radiation therapy for cancer treatment or previous radiation therapy for cancer treatment in childhood or adolescence; long-term use of hormones before menopause (e.g., birth control pills); exposure to certain chemicals such as dyes used in manufacturing.
What is Sarcoma?
Sarcoma is a rare, soft-tissue cancer made up of many “subtypes” because it can arise from a variety of tissue structures (nerves, muscles, joints, bone, fat, blood vessels; the body’s “connective tissues”). Additionally, Sarcoma may also occur in the bones. Basically, because these tissues are found everywhere in the body, Sarcomas can arise anywhere. According to the Sarcoma Alliance:
- Sarcoma is a cancer of the connective tissue and can occur in any location in the body
- Sarcomas are divided into two main groups, bone sarcomas, and soft tissue sarcomas
- About 13,000 people will be diagnosed with Sarcoma this year, and approximately 50% will be men and 50% will be women
- Sarcoma is more likely to affect children and young adults rather than older adults, and more than half of those diagnosed with the disease are under 60
- About 1% of people diagnosed with cancer are diagnosed with Sarcoma specifically
- At any one time, there are approximately 50,000 people struggling with Sarcoma
Sarcoma is most often found in the arms and legs, where the majority of connective tissues are located, but it can occur virtually anywhere. Because the disease often starts deep in the body, it may not be noticeable until a large bump or lump appears – and at this point, the cancer may already be difficult to treat.
Sarcomas are categorized as one of the following:
- Soft tissue sarcomas form in cartilage, fat, muscle, blood vessels, tendons, nerves, and around joints.
- Osteosarcomas develop in bone; liposarcomas form in fat;
- rhabdomyosarcomas form in muscles; and
- Ewing sarcomas form in bone and soft tissue.
Bone and joint cancer is most frequently diagnosed among teenagers, while soft tissue cancers typically affect those 55 years or older.
What Causes Sarcoma?
Unfortunately, scientists do not fully understand why some people develop sarcomas while the vast majority do not. However, by identifying common characteristics in groups with unusually high occurrence rates, researchers have been able to single out some indicators that may play a role in causing sarcomas.
The causes of sarcoma are unknown, but there are some known risk factors. For instance, exposure to phenoxyacetic acid in herbicides or chlorophenols in wood preservatives may increase the risk. An unusual percentage of patients with a rare blood vessel tumor, angiosarcoma of the liver, for example, have been exposed to vinyl chloride in their work. This substance is used in the manufacture of certain plastics. High doses of radiation are also known to cause sarcomas in some people, as are certain rare genetic alterations.
The following inherited diseases are also associated with an increase in soft tissue sarcoma risk:
- Li-Fraumeni syndrome, which is associated with alterations in the p53 gene
- Von Recklinghausen’s disease (neurofibromatosis), which is associated with alterations in the NF1 gene
Studies have focused on genetic alterations that may lead to the development of sarcomas. Scientists have also found a small number of families in which more than one member in the same generation has developed sarcoma. Sarcomas within families may be related to a rare inherited genetic alteration. However, in the vast majority of cases, sarcoma is a completely random event in a family’s cancer history.
Although a lot of the lumps and bumps we get are benign, people should have them looked at by a doctor at an early stage in case it is sarcoma. Because sarcomas are difficult to distinguish from other cancers when they are found within organs, their occurrence is probably underestimated, according to the National Cancer Institute.
In 2018, over 13,000 cases of soft tissue sarcoma and 3,400 cases of bone sarcomas are expected to be diagnosed in the United States, according to data from the National Cancer Institute’s Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program (SEER).
The only reliable way to determine whether a tumor is benign or malignant is through a surgical biopsy. Therefore, all soft tissue and bone lumps that persist or grow should be biopsied. During this procedure, a doctor makes an incision or uses a special needle to remove a sample of tumor tissue, and a pathologist examines the tissue under a microscope. If cancer is present, the pathologist can usually determine the type of cancer and its grade.
Low-grade sarcomas, although cancerous, are unlikely to metastasize. High-grade sarcomas are more likely to spread to other parts of the body.
The five-year survival rate for soft tissue sarcomas is 50 percent, while the survival rate is 66 percent for bone sarcomas.
How is Sarcoma Treated?
The Sarcoma Foundation of America (SFA) estimates that about 20 percent of sarcoma cases are curable by surgery while another 30 percent may be effectively treated with surgery, chemotherapy, and/or radiation.
In general, treatment for sarcomas depends on the stage of the cancer. The stage of the sarcoma is based on the size and grade of the tumor, and whether the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes or other parts of the body (metastasized).
Surgery is the most common treatment for sarcomas. If possible, the doctor may remove the cancer and a safe margin of the healthy tissue around it. As much of the tumor is removed as possible, and radiation therapy and/or chemotherapy are given either before the surgery to shrink the tumor or after surgery to kill the remaining cancer cells.
Radiation therapy (treatment with high-dose x-rays) may be used either before surgery to shrink tumors or after surgery to kill any cancer cells that may have been left behind.
Chemotherapy (treatment with anticancer drugs) may be used with radiation therapy either before or after surgery to try to shrink the tumor or kill any remaining cancer cells. If cancer has spread to other areas of the body, chemotherapy may be used to shrink tumors and reduce the pain and discomfort they cause but is unlikely to eradicate the disease. The use of chemotherapy to prevent the spread of sarcomas has not been proven to be effective. Patients with sarcomas usually receive chemotherapy intravenously (injected into a blood vessel).
Doctors are conducting clinical trials in the hope of finding new, more effective treatments for sarcomas, and better ways to use current treatments.
History of Sarcoma Awareness Month
Sarcoma Awareness Month is held each year during July, and strives to raise awareness about what is considered to be the “forgotten cancer.” The truth is that little is known about sarcomas and efforts to encourage research and drug development are made more challenging due to a lack of awareness and understanding.
Unfortunately, it is not fully understood why some people develop sarcomas while the majority do not. However, researchers have been able to single out some indicators that may play a key role in causing sarcomas by identifying common characteristics in groups with unusually high occurrence rates. Although the causes of sarcomas are unknown, some known risk factors must be taken into account. One of the risk factors is exposure to phenoxyacetic acid in herbicides or chlorophenols in wood preservatives. An unusual percentage of patients with a rare blood vessel tumor have been exposed to vinyl chloride in their work. This substance is used in the manufacture of certain plastics. Another cause of sarcoma is high doses of radiation.
Scientists have focused on genetic alterations that may lead to the development of sarcomas. They have also found that there are a small number of families where more than one member in the same generation has developed a sarcoma. These cases of sarcomas within the same family may be related to a rare inherited genetic alteration. However, sarcomas are a completely random event in a family’s cancer history in the vast majority of cases.
Promoting Sarcoma Awareness
A good way to observe Sarcoma Awareness Month is by donating to help a sarcoma foundation raise funds for vital research. As sarcoma is also known as forgotten cancer, it may be difficult for foundations to raise funds.
Since sarcoma is a rare type of cancer, many people are unfamiliar with the disease since they have not been affected personally. This July, take a moment to share a message via social media or speak with your friends and family about this relatively unknown condition.
Spread sarcoma awareness through social media. Use the hashtags #curesarcoma #sarcomaawarenessmonth