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Epilepsy Awareness Day / Purple Day - March 26

Celebrated annually on March 26, Epilepsy Awareness Day, or Purple Day was created to increase the public’s understanding of this brain disorder and to eliminate the fear and stigma surrounding it. On this day, tens of thousands of people across the globe come together to start conversations around epilepsy, raise awareness of the condition and fundraise to make a difference in the lives of people affected by epilepsy.

World Tuberculosis Day - March 24

World Tuberculosis Day is an awareness day aimed at educating the public about the impact of TB around the world.  CDC, along with our partners and colleagues around the world share successes in TB prevention and control and raise awareness of the challenges that hinder our progress toward the elimination of this devastating disease.

National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week - March 21-27

National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week, or NDAFW, is an annual, week-long, health observance that inspires dialogue about the science of drug use and addiction among youth. It provides an opportunity to bring together scientists, students, educators, healthcare providers, and community partners—to help advance the science so that we can improve the prevention and awareness of substance misuse in our own communities and nationwide. 

American Diabetes Alert Day - March 22

American Diabetes Association Alert Day, observed every fourth Tuesday of March, on  March 22 this year, is a part of a movement to create awareness about the silent killer that more than 34.2 million Americans are at risk of. It is a one-day “wake-up call” that focuses on the seriousness of diabetes and the importance of understanding your risk. 

National Poison Prevention Week - March 20-26

National Poison Prevention Week raises awareness of poison prevention nationwide during the third full week of March every year. The week is an opportunity to highlight the dangers of poisonings for people of all ages and promote community involvement in poisoning prevention.

World Down Syndrome Day - March 21

On this day, people with Down Syndrome and those who live and work with them throughout the world organize and participate in activities and events to raise public awareness and create a single global voice advocating for the rights, inclusion, and well-being of people with Down Syndrome.

National Native American HIV/AIDS Awareness Day - March 20

National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NNHAAD) is a national mobilization effort designed to encourage American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians across the United States and Territorial Areas to get educated, get tested, get involved in the prevention, and get treated for HIV.

World Oral Health Day - March 20

World Oral Health Day is a global observance holiday celebrated annually on March 20. The day was created to spread awareness about good oral hygiene. The holiday is sponsored and marketed by F.D.I. World Dental Federation, the day has presented itself as a flagship forum to discuss and talk about dental care and oral hygiene. On this day, dentists and oral Hygienists use various platforms to educate people on achieving good oral hygiene and expanding on different treatments.

World Sleep Day - March 18

World Sleep Day is an annual, global call to action about the importance of healthy sleep. Created and hosted by the World Sleep Society, World Sleep Day is an internationally recognized awareness event bringing researchers, health professionals, and patients together to recognize sleep and its significant impact on our health. Today marks the 15th annual World Sleep Day with the slogan, “Quality Sleep, Sound Mind, Happy World.”

National Pulmonary Rehabilitation Week - March 13-19

Pulmonary Rehabilitation Week, observed this March 13th to 19th, aims to raise awareness about the severity of pulmonary diseases, offer treatment options, and celebrate the recovery of those with those illnesses. These life-enhancing programs show patients how they can live well despite chronic lung disease and, increasingly, they are being credited with keeping patients healthy and out of the costly acute care setting.