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June is PTSD Awareness Month

It is important to be aware of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), its symptoms, and how it is treated. Thousands suffer from it every year, but not many are talking about it or seeking help for it. PTSD can occur after a traumatic event –war, physical or sexual assault, accidents, among others – with symptoms including depression, anxiety, nightmares, and even paranoia. PTSD can affect anyone who has experienced trauma.

World No Tobacco Day - May 31, 2022

The World Health Organization holds World Tobacco Day on May 31st of each year, intending to spread awareness about the risks of tobacco use and how we can make the world tobacco-free. This yearly observance also informs the public of the dangers of using tobacco, the business practices of tobacco companies, what the WHO is doing to fight the tobacco epidemic, and what people around the world can do to claim their right to health and healthy living and to protect future generations.

May is High Blood Pressure Education Month

This month, we observe National Blood Pressure Education Month by raising your awareness and using that knowledge to fight unseen, potential risks. Due to a tendency to show either minor or even no symptoms at all, high blood pressure has earned the nickname “the silent killer.” Knowledge of one’s high blood pressure — and then taking action — greatly reduces the possible risks of related health problems.

May is National Osteoporosis Awareness and Prevention Month

Through Osteoporosis Awareness and Prevention Month, people are encouraged to understand the risk factors associated with this condition. Preventative measures which promote healthy bones include sufficient calcium intake, achieving adequate levels of vitamin D, and performing bone-healthy exercises.

May is Celiac Disease Awareness Month

In the US, approximately 3 million people have celiac disease; 21 million people have this disease or are sensitive to gluten. Of the 3 million who have this disease only 5% know they have it. This awareness event aims, in part, to make more people aware that they may have this disease and that by eating gluten-free foods, they can eliminate their symptoms.

May is National Stroke Awareness Month

Rapid access to medical treatment oftentimes make the difference between full recovery and permanent disability. The aim of National Stroke Awareness Month is to make Americans aware that they may be able to 'Save A Life' of a person experiencing a stroke.

May is Lupus Awareness Month

Every May, we recognize Lupus Awareness Month as a time to generate awareness and raise critical funds for life-saving research and support services. What is this currently incurable disease, and who is at risk?

May is Better Hearing and Speech Month

The goal of Better Hearing and Speech Month is is to increase awareness about communication disorders, and the role of audiologists and speech-language pathologists in their assessment, diagnosis, treatment and management, education, research, and prevention.

World HIV and AIDS Vaccine Day - May 18, 2022

It is vital that people are made aware of the difficulties surrounding HIV and AIDS, and May 18th each year provides an opportunity to raise awareness in a positive and empathetic way. This day is particularly poignant as it acknowledges all those who have been affected by HIV/AIDS, the staff at organizations that provide care and treatment to sufferers, as well as those who take steps toward finding a vaccine.

May is National Nurses Month

This year’s theme, “You Make A Difference,” honors their unique mission and celebrates their personal and professional accomplishments. Healthcare professionals and community leaders are encouraged to recognize and promote the vast contributions and positive impact of America’s nurses. Nurses make a difference by influencing and shaping health policy decisions that ensure all Americans have access to high-quality, affordable health care coverage.