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Wearable Devices for Continuous Vital Sign Monitoring

Clinical deterioration may remain undetected until the next morning, with wearable devices, patients can be monitored more frequently or continuously.

Understand How Hospital Vital Signs Monitoring Can Enhance Your Patient Care

Hospital vital signs monitoring provide information about the general health of a patient, which can be used to adjust their treatment plan accordingly.

Randomized Controlled Trial of Continuous Monitoring of Vital Signs in the General Ward Using Wearable Devices

Wireless vital sign monitoring systems is a healthcare technology that can help improve patient safety and outcomes.

Introducing The Wireless Vital Sign Monitoring System! Keep Your Patients Safe And Comfortable

The Wireless Vital Sign Monitoring System is a portable, inexpensive wireless vital signs monitoring system that uses radiofrequency technology to monitor patients.

Keeping Track: Monitoring Patients with Wireless Cardiac Monitoring Device

Acute hospitalization requires heart rate/rhythm monitoring, arrhythmia diagnosis, and myocardial ischemia detection. Remote vital signs monitoring can help clinicians monitor patients.

Which Cardiac Monitor for Heart Rate Is Best for My Hospital?

As we usher in this new age of technology aimed at monitoring health, there’s still a need for an answer on which of today’s emerging health monitoring products work best for our hospital’s monitoring accuracy requirements. Especially in terms of monitoring a patient's heart rate.

ViSi Mobile: Vital Sign Monitoring For Ambulatory Hospital Patients

Despite efforts, detecting patients whose condition is trending towards a failure to rescue is frequently delayed in hospitals due to a wide range of systemic issues. From failing to record and evaluate patient vital signs on a regular enough basis to failing to recognize a trend that indicates the patient’s condition has worsened. Continuous vital sign monitoring technologies could serve as the foundation for a solution.

Improved Hospital Care Through Continuous Patient Monitoring

There have been multiple studies that support the connection between missed vital signs and higher mortality rates in acute care hospitals. Accompanying those studies, a growing body of research demonstrates the need for continuous vital signs monitoring in hospital settings to improve outcomes and prevent Failure To Rescue (FTR) events that end in a patient’s unexpected death. Here's how continuous monitoring of patients can improve hospital care and prevent adverse effects.

Why Does Your Hospital Need a Continuous Health Monitoring System?

Continuous health monitoring systems can support the improvement of healthcare delivery, patient safety, patient satisfaction, and clinical workflow.

Practicality of ViSi Mobile Vital Signs Monitoring in General Ward

With sicker patients, less nursing staff and too many tasks to complete in a shift, bedside staff frequently don’t have the time to take a set of vital signs, let alone actually count a patient’s respiratory rate. Instead, bedside staff eyeball the rate based on their experience, charting a standard respiratory rate of 16 or 20. Then, that respiratory rate, along with other vital signs, are then entered in an algorithm (Modified Early Warning Score (EWS)) that is designed to identify patient deterioration. But with inaccurate respiratory rates and vital signs being taken less frequently than ordered due to time constraints, high MEWS levels that could have identified patient deterioration are miscalculated or even missed.