Blog - Sotera Digital Health

ViSi Mobile Smart Tip - Radiology

Written by Sotera Wireless | Nov 2, 2021 4:17:26 PM


Computed tomography (CT) of the chest uses special x-ray equipment to examine abnormalities found in other imaging tests and to help diagnose the cause of unexplained cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, fever, and other chest symptoms. CT scanning is fast, painless, non-invasive, and accurate. Because it is able to detect very small nodules in the lung, chest CT is especially effective for diagnosing lung cancer at its earliest, most curable stage.

Certain things may make a CT scan of the chest less accurate. These include:

  • Barium in the esophagus from a recent barium study
  • Body piercing on the chest
  • Metallic objects within the chest, such as surgical clips or a pacemaker

If the patient’s vital signs are monitored with Visi Mobile, the chest sensor should be removed from the chest securements if it will interfere with the quality of imaging of chest CT scans, chest X-rays, etc.

To remove, lift the chest sensor out of the chest securement. There is no need to remove the clear plastic securement from the patient’s chest or arm if you intend to add ViSi Mobile back onto the patient after their scan.

To reattach, place the chest sensor back into the chest securement —the chest sensor cable should be oriented vertically and attached with the lead wires hanging downward. Clinicians should be able to pause the session when the patient is being transported to Radiology and leave the monitor at the bedside or in the charger.

When disconnecting the chest sensor from the ViSi Mobile device for greater than 10 minutes, it won’t be able to monitor cNIBP and will have to be recalibrated upon the patient’s return.

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