Nurses spend a lot of their time up close with their patients doing high-risk activities. The nature of their job puts them at an increased risk of catching communicable diseases, including COVID-19. With masks and other personal protective equipment often hard to come by, public health experts are now balancing the need to keep nurses on the front lines against the need to protect medical staff from becoming patients themselves. ViSi Mobile is here to help.
Nurses must collect each patient's vital signs at least every 4 hours. This equates to 6 possible exposures from each patient per day. If one nurse takes care of 8 patients in 3 consecutive 12-hour shifts, that one nurse will have at least 72 possible exposure encounters in just one week of shifts. That is just from collecting vital signs.
During the initial setup, ViSi is placed on the patient and the nurse conducts an initial calibration. After this initial setup and calibration, 7 key vitals signs are wirelessly transmitted to the nurse - remotely and continuously so the nurse always has an eye on the patient. This dramatically reduces the need for the nurse to risk potential exposure but it also allows the nurse to monitor the patient closely and identify any risks of abnormalities. Better care for the patient and better care for the nurse.
Adding ViSi Mobile as a tool is not only a great way to increase patient satisfaction and safety, it's also an important tool to help reduce potential staff exposure.
Learn more about how ViSi Mobile was utilized at the Georgia World Congress Center's COVID-19 Alternative Care Facility and the incredible outcomes they observed.