What if your hospital could provide continuous monitoring of patients in all acute care settings and avoid costly adverse events, readmissions, and even worse, avoidable deaths?
Sotera Wireless has been leading the way for continuous surveillance monitoring of patients in the general ward for the past decade. The new ViSi Mobile® Patient Monitoring System has been shown to help hospitals enhance their quality-of- care, save lives, and improve financial performance.
The ViSi Mobile® Patient Monitoring System is designed to enhance overall care by helping to avoid expensive, preventable escalation of care and adverse events. Implementing ViSi Mobile on the general floor, rather than using telemetry, reduces critical care nursing staff needs, allowing the hospital to utilize resources more efficiently.
If you’re interested in learning more about the innovative technology that is being embraced by nurses across the country, please contact us at GetViSi@soterawireless.com to schedule a live demo.
When early detection matters, ViSi Mobile can make the difference.